jueves, 28 de febrero de 2008

Villabrágima: a example of rural landscape.

Population: 1.160 inhabitants.
Superficie: 67 km2
Activities: Agriculture and ranching(cattle)
Distance of the capital: 47 kms.
National: Chivarros.
Municipality of the province of Valladolid belonging to the region of Field Earth. Crossed by the river Sequillo and Macías Picavéa's channel. Part(report) of the municipal area is in Torozos's mounts.
Villaesper's pedanía belongs(concerns) to Villabrágima.
The monuments are: Church of Santa Maria, San Ginés's Church, The Arch, Hermitage of the Christ.
The holidays (parties) are: Of the Santa Cruz (May 1-5) Our Lady of the Rosario (the first Sunday of October) .
The customs are: Putting of the May for the fifth ones of the locality.
Tape careers(races) astride.
Confinements for the field.
The climate is very hot and agreeable.

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