jueves, 21 de febrero de 2008

My city: Barcelona

Worsheet 2
Barcelona is the best important city of Catalonia.
Barcelona has 1,605,602 inhabitants, is the second most populous city in Spain and the tenth of the European Union. The president is Jordi Hereu Bohar. Has a population density of 17.451,97 hab/km2. Has a surface area of 91.4 km2. It has a beach next to the Mediterranian Sea and the climate is very agreeable and hot and lots of shops and buildings. It is between two rivers: the Lobregat and the Besos. The animals are domestics and it has a zoo and the “Aquarium”. It has lots of parks for exemple the Ciutadela Park.
It has enough trees to be a city. It has lots of schools for exemple our school: Casp, lots of museums, theatre, cinemas... This city is very where pretty much can be done!

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