jueves, 13 de marzo de 2008

The density of transports

Worksheet 4
Hello! The previous activity was consisting of counting(telling) the different transports(cars,buses,taxis,bikes,pedestrians) that were happening(passing) for: Casp, Pau Claris and Gran Via. We use a book-keeper (meter) and a chronometer and distribute the work. We count during five minutes and then it we divide the result between(among) five. The result is the following one:

We have reached the conclusion that in Gran Via in there are pollution, to be a main street spend many more vehicles while Pau Claris spend more than Casp because intersects streets very important: Gran Via and cross the city the North to South. The results of Casp are more smaller than Pau Claris and Gran Via because Casp very short and is very good to the pedestrians.
The pedestrians prefere walking in Casp because is a comercial street and is not noisy than Pau Claris and Gran Via.

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